Hire me for your next company retreat.

We won’t get any work done.

I promise.

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The Applied Improv Workshops for Businesses

My mission is to bring the principles of improvisation to the business world.

Improvisation techniques help teams connect, collaborate, innovate, and thrive. I work with your company to create workshops that are unique to the needs of your team. Together we explore improv skills and tools that will make every project and interaction more effective, creative, and awesome.

Go ahead, finally figure out what the heck “synergy” actually means without ever having to say it.


What is the Applied Improv Method?

Applied Improvisation for Business is ideal for personal and professional development.  In these workshops we practice the skills and tools used by professional improvisers to develop flexible, innovative mindsets to make better, faster decisions and build a supportive company culture.  Through group work and discussion you will learn to

  • Give better presentations

  • Build lasting relationships with clients

  • Learn narrative techniques and tell better stories

  • Take risks and develop creative confidence

  • Advance and expand ideas through collaboration

  • Become better problem-solvers

Together we create an awesome shared experience while we explore what it means to show up in the moment, fully connect, and take action.

Oh, I almost forgot! We have a lot of fun as well :)


Hiring Alissa for our annual global offsite was the best decision our team made all year, hands down. Alissa’s 3-hour session helped our team gain new critical skills that we integrate into our day-to-day operations. Alissa has an excellent facilitating style. She is able to read the room and think quickly on how to move a group forward based on the energy at the time. She has great talking points and sprinkles in humor and good stories that keeps it very engaging. She took command of our 25-person team and our session went like a blink of an eye. We have many team members that continue to talk about how great this was for our global offsite. We’d love to invite Alissa to any of our future staff training.
— Julie Markham, Managing Director, Finance & Strategy at Unreasonable Group
Our improv training with Alissa Ahlberg was outstanding and produced real results. In public relations and crisis communications, we deal with many different complex issues and personalities every day. Improvisational techniques showed us how to create meaningful experiences our of chaos. But most importantly, how to remove ourselves and act for the greater good of the group. I would highly recommend Alissa Ahlberg’s workshop to anyone who needs to interact with people.
— Matthew Moseley, Partner & Chief Strategy Officer at Dovetail Solutions
The Applied Improvisation Workshop helped my startup team of 8 practice collaboration in a fun, unique, and memorable way and gave us new language that we’ve been using ever since in our every day workplace! We made new connections in committing to a direction as a group, supporting each other, and celebrating the “wins” while unpacking the moments that didn’t work in a constructive and even fun way. I think every startup team can benefit from Applied Improvisation.
— Samantha Martin, Founder and CEO of Via TRM
In the days after our improv sessions, I feel lighter, more playful, less rigid. My life takes on a quality of workability. Problems appear less serious and more humorous. (And, quite honestly, that seems closer to the truth.) I find that I relate to myself and those around me in a way that gives rise to new insight and unexpected discoveries. And I laugh a lot. Which feels good. I think Alissa’s Improv classes may be one of the greatest medicines for the human spirit since lotion.
— -Trevor Brown, Clinical Psychologist

Committed to knocking before opening the bathroom door.

And yes, I am for hire.